By John McMullen
The Phanatic Magazine
I am a big Sopranos fan but after watching Jamie-Lynn Sigler parallel park for five minutes as the grand finale, I was really starting to question the"genius" of David Chase, the show's creator.
Chase has always been a little too haughty for me. During the shows interminable breaks, he would always bemoan just how tough it was to make the program. He was akin to William Shakespeare or Henry David Thoreau and other television writers were Dr. Seuss.
Of course, in the real world Chase is just a typical self-important clod. I mean it's not like he was procuring peace in the Middle East or curing cancer, he was making a television show, albeit a very good one.
But, anybody who is really good at something has a big ego so it's no surprise Chase thinks he is better than everybody else is his genre. And I know all about egos -- anyone who has ever talked to a major league baseball player does.
The true greats always have a certain swagger and things like humility and modesty are foreign concepts. Chase was at the helm of one of the best shows in television history. Sure you can pick The Sopranos apart but if you compare it to the competition, it stands out like a shining star.
So, whether you liked the finale or not you have to give the devil his due -- Chase is a true great in his profession. But let's not cheapen the term "genius" by handing it out to people like The Sopranos creator.
Save it for the true heroes, the people that really make a difference.
In Philadelphia, that has to be Sonny Hill and his personal snake oil salesman Glenn Ellis. Every Sunday morning, Hill and his this witch doctor do what the all the world's doctors can't.
They have figured out how to stop cancer and aids. They can even cure a torn ACL or a smelly stool without surgery -- just drink 6-to-8 glasses of water a day.
That's real genius!
Sure, Hill's show is awful radio...
Sure, WIP should be embarrassed to air his infomercial with Ellis under the guise of sportstalk each weekend...
But, damn it they are making a difference.
And they will be the first in line to tell you so.
Fade to black.
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