Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Vick blames Newport News police for being a moron

Blame is a cottage injury these days in the United States. Pointing the finger at others is a whole lot easier than looking in the mirror.

Just ask Michael Vick. While his apologists drone on about how the new Eagles quarterback is generally trying to piece his life back together, Vick was throwing the Newport News, Va. Police Department under the bus during his much-discussed 60 Minutes interview with James Brown.

"When they got out of the car and seen that, you know, it was two dogs fighting, they got back in the car and they left. So that right there kind of made me feel like, 'Okay, you know, this ain't -- it is not as bad as it may seem.'"

OK -- got it, it's the police's fault Vick murdered dogs for six years.

For what its worth, Newport News police chief Jim Fox was not amused.

"I guess my reaction was, why would he put us in the middle?" Fox told WAVY-TV. "Number one, if the officers got out of the car, if they did, and they ignored it, that's unacceptable behavior on the part of the officers. I wouldn't tolerate that as Chief of Police."

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