The Phanatic Magazine
I'm still a little stunned at last week's fortunes to Boston fans.
The universe must have been shifted by a sinkhole or a wormhole or something like that. History has proven that these types of things don't happen to New Englanders.
That span of 24 hours for Boston phanatics must have been...orgasmic.
But, now that I've thought about it for a week I've come to some inevitable and telling conclusions.
Theo Epstein might be the guy who brought a World Series to baseball's lovable losers, and added a certain Japanese import (Hideki Okajima) that has been so crucial to the team's success this season, but he's also the guy that struck out on Edgar Renteria, Coco Crisp, Alex Gonzalez, Julio Lugo, J.D. Drew, Wily Mo Pena, and the list keeps going and going.
Despite the fast start to the Red Sox they have been an average team at best. They have gone a pedestrian 32-29 since May 30, including losing two of three to the Yankees, getting swept by Detroit and dropping a pair to the Royals.
The Sox gave up nothing to get Eric Gagne but he's given up a run in each of his first two games as he gets used to the American League and becoming a set-up man. If he gets on track then Gagne to Papelbon could be a tandem they ride to the World Series, but let's face it...Gagne didn't want to go to Boston. He went because of the chance to win, but moreover the chance to collect a couple extra guaranteed million for a two-month rental.
Then there's the guy that's going to lead the Boston Celtics back to the promised land and an NBA title.
Why is everyone patting Danny Ainge on the back. He found the only GM in the

(Interesting isn't it that head coaches have a short life in the NBA, but GMs really have to prove themselves so inept that they leave their owners no choice. Notice that when the conversation comes up about the worst General Managers in sports the names of Isiah Thomas, Billy King, Kevin McHale and Danny Ainge always come up. They are still gainfully employed.)
The Celtics have been one of the league's worst teams since they traded away Antoine Walker. But the luck of the Irish struck the Celts again this year as they were awarded the fifth pick in the lottery despite having the second-worst record in the league. That being said why did McHale, one of the greatest players of all-time, feel the need to import nine former ballers from the C's, including Mark Blount, Ricky Davis, and Sebastian Telfair. They did get Al Jefferson, who should be a great player, but not KG, Ryan Gomes and the expiring contract of Theo Ratliff, but this team is too young and without great leadership is still a decade away from competing for an NBA title.
Back to the Celtics...Garnett is another player that wanted nothing to do with Boston. He nixed the deal the first time before realizing that he makes the Celtics a so-called contender in the weak Eastern Conference.
But I'm not buying the hype. Who is going to get the ball to Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen and away from Paul Pierce, who never saw a shot he didn't like. (But he had no choice so it wasn't his fault.) Pierce was hurt or didn't want to play last year, Allen is coming of surgeries to each ankle, and KG has been carrying the T'wolves for so long that he's got to be beaten. And there is no point guard to run this team. The thug Sebastian Telfair will now wreak havoc in the Twin cities and Delonte West went to Seattle. Ainge and Doc Rivers are going to have to rely on Rajon Rondo, who never reached his potential at Kentucky, to be the leader.
Without an established No. 1, which the Celtics can't afford, this team isn't even the best in the Eastern Conference. The Pistons, Bulls, and Cavs are all better.
Who can complain about adding one the five best players in the league to your roster, but does he really make them a legit title contender? Does anyone really think that this team would've had a chance against Tim Duncan and the Spurs?
On the surface it was a good 24 hours in Boston, but as usual the lovable losers will remain just that. Two overpriced, overrated franchises that will be on the outside looking in.
Hey, at least they have the Patriots.
For someone who writes from the land of Phillies and Sixers I'd be a lot less worried about the "losers" in New England and a lot more concerned about trying to get some professional sports franchises in Philadelphia. pjmh
Don't be so jealous just because all your Philly teams stink...
Sounds like sour grapes. Where are you from ....oh...Philadelphia...the land of champions I guess. More like loserville. You have the gumption to dump on the Celtics and the Red Sox when you have the Sixers and the Phillies as a comparison. HAHAHAHA....oh..yes I forgot to mention that other champion caliber team...the IGGLES. Yes...we have the Patriots and the Red Sox who do have the best record in the league by the way. And the Celtics who even with a loser GM still managed to bring in three all stars...while not expecting a title they will be entertaining and are on the upswing. I'd rather watch Garnett, Allen and Pierce than whoever is on teh Sixers these days.
I enjoyed reading your articly mainly for all the flaws it contains as well as ridiculous statements. First off, the Chicago Cubs are known as the "Loveable Losers", not the Red Sox. Second, you said the Red Sox gave up nothing for Gagne? Kason Gabbard is nothing? So you think a 25 year old starting pitcher who started out 4-0 is nothing? Hmm. Moving on to your Celtics comments. The Celtics got the 5th pick in the draft not the 4th. By the way, Luck of the Irish is a good thing not a bad thing. Now your opinions on how things will work out are yours to make, I can't argue with what you think about Rondo or what the Celtics will do, but do you really think Telfair is going to wreak havoc? If you do, you're ludicrous. That's all I have to say.
Great article. I completely agree with what you've said on both the Sox and Celtics. I'm a Cleveland fan, and the Red Sox are my least favorite sports franchise due to their arrogant fans and hatred for a rival team that acquires players in the exact same way that they do (NYY)...throwing money at overpriced, ancient veterans. Epstein just makes moves to make moves...Julio Lugo and J.D. Drew are perfect examples of this. In a few years, the Red Sox, more so than the Yankees, could be in trouble because their players are aging and they refuse to protect any of their minor league players...a lesson the Yankees have learned recently (see Robinson Cano, Joba Chamberlain, Phil Hughes,etc.)
By the way, another thing that pisses me off is the trade for Eric Gagne when the Red Sox already have the best bullpen in baseball. Why waste the young talent? What a loser town. One championship and everyone in the town acts like they have the best baseball franchise of all-time. What a garbage organization...Boston will always be in the shadow of New York...get used to it.
Gottlieb = Fraud
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