By John McMullen
The Phanatic Magazine
When prosecutors run into trouble, it's usually because their witnesses have flipped and are often uglier human beings than the scum being prosecuted.
It's a common problem when trying to win a conviction. No one likes a rat but when you are involved in illegal activity, be it racketeering, dogfighting or steroid abuse -- who do you think is going to have first hand knowledge of it, Father Flanagan?
Too often these "rats" are dismissed with nary a thought and I'm becoming more and more convinced average people have no interest in the truth, especially when its ugly.
For instance, I often tell my colleagues at The Phanatic Magazine that Major League Baseball is still awash in a sea of illegal performance enhancing drugs. That's usually not all that well received among a group of individuals that, for some reason, feel compelled to play the role of Bud Selig and bury their collective heads in the sand -- at least when it's someone they like.
When I "recklessly" say Alex Rodriguez, Roger Clemens, Miguel Tejada or Ken Griffey Jr. probably had some help along the way -- people cringe because they are "good guys."
It's OK to rip Barry Bonds or Gary Sheffield -- after all their Grand Jury testimony in the Balco case was leaked so they are "proven steroid abusers." Perhaps more importantly, they are jerks.
But, it's time to turn off the common sense and ignore obvious neon signs when the guy is well-liked.
Forget that A-Rod is bigger than most NFL linebackers....
Ignore that Clemens and Tejada were already fingered by The Los Angeles Times in the Jason Grimsley case...
Close your eyes to the fact Griffey hasn't been able to walk down the street in the last five years with straining or tearing something...
And, shoot the messenger.
Well, it's time to reload because baseball's biggest rat is about to resurface and make another splash.
Obviously Jose Canseco has an agenda. The former slugger was in desperate need of cash when he released his book "Juiced" in 2005. So when he threw some fellow steroid abusers like Rafael Palmeiro and Mark McGwire under the bus, it was easy to attack him.
Heck, baseball's ultimate fraud, Curt Schilling did it in front of Congress even though Ed Wade's favorite pitcher knew Canseco was telling the truth.
History is about to repeat itself. Evidently some bills are due at the Canseco house and he is getting ready for the sequel. More big names are about to be exposed, most notably the game's best regular season player -- A-Rod.
Canseco told WEEI Radio in Boston Friday that he has "other stuff" on the Yankees slugger, who he called a "hypocrite" who "was not all he appeared to be."
When asked flat out if A-Rod had used steroids, Canseco told WEEI, "Wait and see."
So you will all have to pony up the $26 to read about something -- if you were being honest with yourself -- you already knew.
Meanwhile, dozens will gather in defense of A-Rod while vilifying a deeply-flawed individual that is telling the truth for all the wrong reasons.
Yep, it's time to shoot the messenger again.
The Phanatic Magazine
When prosecutors run into trouble, it's usually because their witnesses have flipped and are often uglier human beings than the scum being prosecuted.
It's a common problem when trying to win a conviction. No one likes a rat but when you are involved in illegal activity, be it racketeering, dogfighting or steroid abuse -- who do you think is going to have first hand knowledge of it, Father Flanagan?
Too often these "rats" are dismissed with nary a thought and I'm becoming more and more convinced average people have no interest in the truth, especially when its ugly.
For instance, I often tell my colleagues at The Phanatic Magazine that Major League Baseball is still awash in a sea of illegal performance enhancing drugs. That's usually not all that well received among a group of individuals that, for some reason, feel compelled to play the role of Bud Selig and bury their collective heads in the sand -- at least when it's someone they like.
When I "recklessly" say Alex Rodriguez, Roger Clemens, Miguel Tejada or Ken Griffey Jr. probably had some help along the way -- people cringe because they are "good guys."
It's OK to rip Barry Bonds or Gary Sheffield -- after all their Grand Jury testimony in the Balco case was leaked so they are "proven steroid abusers." Perhaps more importantly, they are jerks.
But, it's time to turn off the common sense and ignore obvious neon signs when the guy is well-liked.
Forget that A-Rod is bigger than most NFL linebackers....
Ignore that Clemens and Tejada were already fingered by The Los Angeles Times in the Jason Grimsley case...
Close your eyes to the fact Griffey hasn't been able to walk down the street in the last five years with straining or tearing something...
And, shoot the messenger.
Well, it's time to reload because baseball's biggest rat is about to resurface and make another splash.
Obviously Jose Canseco has an agenda. The former slugger was in desperate need of cash when he released his book "Juiced" in 2005. So when he threw some fellow steroid abusers like Rafael Palmeiro and Mark McGwire under the bus, it was easy to attack him.
Heck, baseball's ultimate fraud, Curt Schilling did it in front of Congress even though Ed Wade's favorite pitcher knew Canseco was telling the truth.
History is about to repeat itself. Evidently some bills are due at the Canseco house and he is getting ready for the sequel. More big names are about to be exposed, most notably the game's best regular season player -- A-Rod.
Canseco told WEEI Radio in Boston Friday that he has "other stuff" on the Yankees slugger, who he called a "hypocrite" who "was not all he appeared to be."
When asked flat out if A-Rod had used steroids, Canseco told WEEI, "Wait and see."
So you will all have to pony up the $26 to read about something -- if you were being honest with yourself -- you already knew.
Meanwhile, dozens will gather in defense of A-Rod while vilifying a deeply-flawed individual that is telling the truth for all the wrong reasons.
Yep, it's time to shoot the messenger again.
You probably have nothing better to do while sitting there at your little desk thinking about how bad your life sucks.. How can you say that a-rod or griffey ever used steroids? They are both naturally great hitters and always have been. not to mention that their head size is still proportional to their bodies. Get a Life man
It is amazing to me that "Baseball Fans" have to be the biggest idiots on the planet! A-Rod grew up in Miami. Jose grew up and up until 2 years ago had a full time home in Miami...Why do they feel the need to defend someone making $250 million a year and will do what it takes to keep it that way...Baseball fans need a heavy dose of reality!
For instance, I often tell my colleagues at The Phanatic Magazine that Major League Baseball is still awash in a sea of illegal performance enhancing drugs. That's usually not all that well received among a group of individuals that, for some reason, feel compelled to play the role of Bud Selig and bury their collective heads in the sand -- at least when it's someone they like.
I smell a Phanatic magazine Royal Rumble!!!!!!!!!
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