Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It's okay not to be happy

By Michael Rushton
The Phanatic Magazine

We have now had two full days since the Super Bowl, two full days of every Giants fan in the world (or at least your office, school or own home) coming up to you with a big tooth-filled smile expecting the embrace of a lifetime.

Now, as an Eagles fan I have been accused of being both bitter and jealous since New York won the championship. I am none of the former (despite John McMullen's claims) and just a tad of the latter, but you know what, that is okay.

In Philadelphia, there is absolutely no reason to congratulate a Giants fan on this momentous occasion. Sure, they pulled off the upset of a lifetime, finally got the play they expected out of Eli Manning when they traded for him and posted a perfect defensive game plan.

But who cares around here? Not us Eagles faithful, and that is okay.

For starters, there is no national, state or man law that says one has to be happy for another fan when that said fan's team wins a title. I'll shake a guy (or girls) hand if they get engaged, become a new parent or buy a home. That's it.

My mother's birthday was yesterday. If my mother was a Giants fan (she isn't), she wouldn't have received a phone call or visit from me. Maybe a text message. And that's okay.

Along those lines, Giants fans need to remember there is a rivalry here. Philly and NY both occupy the same division and it is never friendly when the clubs get together. Why then, all of a sudden, would we back the G-Men. Most of us didn't, even against the dreaded Patriots.

For the City of Brotherly Love, it was a lose-lose situation. Few of us felt warm and fuzzy after the Super Bowl, and that is okay.

Apparently, we are all supposed to be impressed by the Giants' win. They ended the Pats' bid for perfection, they won 10 or so games in a row on the road, they shut down Randy Moss, they put Tom Brady on his back blah, blah, blah.

Great, you got the game of a lifetime out of everybody at just the right time.

Let's not forget that your own quarterback gave you the finger in this game (not literally). Would anyone think twice if Manning came out and ripped Giants' fans for their lack of faith in him all season. They were ready to hang him after the Vikings game (three INTs thrown for TDs), were doubting he would ever be as good as Peyton, and gave him the Rex Grossman treatment before the game.

Manning just had to be good enough not to lose this game.

All of a sudden, he is a god, a New York hero. Make no mistake, Manning played great. He answered Brady to perfection in the fourth quarter and his ability to keep that drive alive will saturate Super Bowl highlight reels from now until the end of time.

But none of you Giant faithful saw it coming, so don't pretend like you did. You should be shamed,turning your back on your franchise quarterback. That is something that would never happen in Philadelphia.

Wait a minute...maybe that is okay.

Reach Michael Rushton at or

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