Friday, April 10, 2009

Wrestler died from painkiller overdose

Former World Wrestling Entertainment star Andrew "Test" Martin died of an accidental overdose of oxycodone, according to the Hillsborough, Fla. County medical examiner.

Oxycodone is the addictive ingredient found in the painkiller OxyContin. The pill, dubbed Hillbilly Heroin, is widely abused and linked to hundreds of deaths, including Heath Ledger.

Martin was found dead at his apartment in Tampa, Fla on March. 14 after a
a neighbor reported that she could see into his condo window and that he appeared motionless for several hours.

A police investigation following Martin's death revealed prescription drugs, including both steroids and painkillers, in his residence.

Martin appeared to be in the middle of a meal when he died, according to Tampa police spokeswoman Laura McElroy. Police found a half-eaten pizza and soda near where his body was found.

Martin, reportedly a heavy steroid abuser, wrestled on and off for the WWE between 1998 and 2006 and was a former tag team, Intercontinental and European champion before being released from the company's ECW brand. He briefly resurfaced for a short time for the Nashville-based TNA in 2007 but was later released by the company, reportedly due to concerns over his size amid an investigation by the US Congress into steroid use in professional

Martin, who was arrested on a drunk driving charge in Florida a year ago, has the type of physique WWE chairman Vince McMahon craves but showed little charisma behind the microphone, which hurt his career.

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