By John McMullen
Philadelphia, PA (The Phanatic Magazine) - I’m tired of the way fans in this city are viewed around the rest of this country.
Most places don‘t think evolution ever made its way to the City of Brotherly Love.
And the shots keep on coming. Just check out the latest issue of The Sporting News where former Phil Todd Jones just couldn’t help himself from singling out the Philly Faithful.
Here’s Jones’ column:
“If you think about it, baseball players get yelled at for a living. After all, we're in foreign territory half the time. Now, most people just go to the game to enjoy the game. They grab a hot dog, get a program and prop up their feet. But, let's face it, some fans come to heckle.
For them, it's a form of cheap entertainment. If they keep it tasteful, hecklers can be quite entertaining. The rudest fans in the country reside, of course, in Philadelphia. Not all Philly fans are rude, but there you get some real dum-dums.
Their sole purpose is to make your life unbearable, and the funny thing is they wear it like a badge of honor: "Hey, this is a tough town. We boo Santa Claus." Well, congratulations.
New York and Boston can be tough, but the fans there are knowledgeable. To hear them say it, they're on a first-name basis with my mother -- and every other player's mother.
You can see the troublemakers from a mile away. Usually, it's a few buddies going out for the night. One will get his beer muscles on, and then it starts.
You see them plotting. Finally, one of them leans over and lets you have it: "Hey, Jones! You stink!"
That's it? That's all you've got? All that beer at 8 bucks a cup and your buddies egging you on, and that's all you can come up with?
Come on. At least be creative. Do your homework. If I gave up a homer the night before, mention that. If I have an unusual middle name (like, say, Barton), heck, throw that out. At least show us you're prepared and have done some homework.
The most polite fans usually are in the Midwest. If a fan in St. Louis is being a jerk, we don't have to say a word. The fans there kill their own nuts.
In L.A., the fans don't usually rag on you unless you play for the Giants. They don't even talk to you unless you're one of the big guys.
In Canada, fans look at you kind of funny. They cheer loudest for the catcher because he's the closest thing to a goalie baseball has. I'm kidding, of course.
What the fans want most is interaction. If you wave or smile, they usually will be great to you the rest of the time. They want a ball. They want you to make their day at the game an experience. For the most part, the fans I've dealt with have been wonderful. I've met neat people all over the country. If players treat fans with respect, we'll get it in return most of the time. Unless we're in Philly.”
I can already feel the righteous indignation building but before you start making excuses, understand Todd Jones is right.... At least, partially right.
Like most stereotypes, there is some truth to the ugly Philadelphia fan.
Of course, the vast majority of fans in this town just want to go to a game and enjoy themselves but the vocal, uneducated minority makes them look wretched to the rest of my country.
Every city has these stupefying fans. The beer-swilling, face-painting MENSA members who think nothing of dropping 75 or so F-bombs while in the presence of a five-year old little girl. The ones that live and die with a team that know virtually nothing about.
We all know them and can recognize them in an instant. The problem here is the minority has taken over.
This is directed at that minority.
In my years covering sports, I’ve had the opportunity to travel across the country and see how fans act in virtually every city. While I hate to say it, Philadelphia is the worst.
Now most of you will say, who cares what some clod in the media thinks? Who cares what opposition fans think? Who cares what Jones thinks?
And that’s your right but realize we are not alone.
I have an optimistic colleague that always thinks the Phillies are just a move or two away from becoming the 1927 Yankees. Unfortunately he keeps forgetting one thing -- a lot of players just don’t want to come here.
The ugly Philadelphia fan has turned off a whole generation of athletes who rather go in exile to Kansas City that go through the hell that they think awaits them in Philadelphia.
So when you think about the drought and you want to place blame. Along with the names of Ed Snider, Billy King, Bob Clarke, Dave Montgomery, Pat Gillick, Joe Banner and Andy Reid -- you can add one more to the list.
Just look in the mirror to find it.
-You can reach John McMullen at jmcmullen1@comcast.net or john@phillysportsline.com
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Copyright 2006 The phanatic
C'mon. How can you say Philadelphia fans are the worst. I've also traveled to many different citites and I think the worse fans are the ones who go to the ballpark and don't care if their team wins 5-4 or loses 11-2. Everyone gets heckled are their job, whether it is a baseball player or a McDonald's clerk. Athletes are too stiff anymore.
You suck!
I agree that a lot of Philly fans can be obnoxious jerks, but Jones' logic leaves a lot to be desired.
New York fans are knowledgeable? They heckle A-Rod, an MVP player, if he pops out. He gets booed by Yankee fans simply because his last name isn't Jeter! And Philly fans get grief because we're too hard on Bobby Abreu? Gimme a break!
From APNEff: Philly fans do know the game and I have been to New York and Boston and it is the same there. Anyway if a fan pays 20 to 40 dollars to get in a game they should have a right to criticize players. Hey if i was making as much as you just because God graced me with a talent I would turn my back on the comments and drive away in my BMW.
From Biggcb: Todd, it is time to move on. Let Philadelphia go. Don't be such a baby. You spent one little season in Philly. Your ERA was almost 5. So what if you got heckled a little bit - deal with it. I am sure everyone in Colorado loved you in 2003 when your ERA was over 8. I am sure the folks in Detroit are loving you and your 6.75 ERA right now.
From Jambone40: The article singles out events that have occurred over the last 40 years. But there are many more instances of Philly fans doing the right thing. They don't mention the standing ovation Doug Drabek received after he lost his no-hitter against the Phillies even though he pitched for the hated Pirates. The fact is Philly fans appreciate results. We want to embrace our athletes. You don't have to be a superstar, just play hard. Aaron Rowand is a God in Philly because of his attitude, Bobby Abreu is under-appreciated because he doesn't bust it for every fly ball.
This is the second time Todd Jones has singled out Philly fans in less than a year. Why can't he just let go, we forgot about him after the 2004 season.
todd jones is also famous for homophobic tirades when he was pitching for
Colorado...at the time I believe he did a Brett Myers apology by saying he
was sorry what he said got out....
Philadelphians, there is no bigger fan of the sports teams than myself. Having said that, the fans are a large part of the problem. The Philadelphia fan truly knows little about sports. What the Philadelphian fan will do, is regurgitate over and over and over what they hear on the radio, see on tv, and read in print. They are followers, not leaders. I know that positive energy is contagious. When our quarterback makes a poor throw (cause God forbid he should end the game any less than a perfect 35/35) they boo. Guy strikes out, he obviously isnt trying. Turnover by anyone other than AI, Boo his arese. That has become contagious. Sorry fans, we are phonies. Philadelphia fans would rather continue putting up the front that they are tough, go to games, get bombed, versus caring for their team and their players. If $20 bucks gives me the right to boo, then let me know where half of these fans work, I will purchase one of their products making me the customer, and then I will call them to tell them they suck. I will then call Eskin to tell him you suck, and hopefully tonight, someone will read my email on the air on DNL telling the entire world over and over again in painful detail how much you suck. Boo Philly!
Dude... Phillyville don't get no respect.
As for the previous commenter, Phillyville don't got no monopoly on cretins. Sports fans everywhere are idiots.
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