By John McMullen
You have to hand it to him...Terrell Owens is good at what he does.
No, I'm not talking about catching footballs...That's T.O.'s hobby.
His real passion is destroying things.
I've said it before....Owens is "Leon" from those Budweiser commercials come to life. He is simply the most selfish teammate in the history of professional sports.
And that covers some serious ground since, last I looked, Major League Baseball was still going strong and guys like Alex Rodriguez and Ken Griffey, Jr. are always at the ready to ruin a franchise in a single bound.
But, Owens is a breed apart.....He can poison a team from halfway across the country.
Yep, poor Donovan McNabb can't forget about Owens and he showed up at mini-camp crying like the wimpy kid in kindergarten.
Oh sure, the tears weren't overt. It was the kind of passive aggressive stuff that women have evoked into an art form.
Sporting a T-shirt that read -- "If you can't trust your family, who can you trust?" -- McNabb seemed to be challenging and threatening his teammates at the same time.
Yet, the politically correct members of my brethren still want you to believe that McNabb is a smart guy .
Come on!
Smart people don't act like he does and they also don't throw balls directly to Roy Williams. Nope, it's time to be honest and dig up those Wonderlic scores and question the veracity of that orange-tinted degree.
The uber-sensitive McNabb just keeps droning on and on about being treated unfairly by the entire world and he is losing his locker room. When 19 Eagles actually attended a party thrown by the suspended Owens in Atlantic City last season , it was a direct slap in the face to the Chunky Soup star.
Why would a group of Eagles defend a cancer like Owens with their actions?
It's simple...Because football players don't like female dogs! (Don't make me say the word)
The sane of us know, the only black on black crime in this entire saga is what Donovan has done to himself.
And with that in mind, I would like encourage Mr. McNabb to finally seek the professional help he so desperately needs.
I think Dr. Phil is on UPN 57 at 10:00 p.m.
-You can reach John McMullen at Jmcmullen1@comcast.net
Donovan is like John Kerry during the election...He says he's a "leader" so much, you stop believing him.
That's hilarious. It's funny cause it's true
What's going on John, had a chance to review your piece on the Eagles minicamp.
You're right on with Donovan McNabb, everyone talked about how he took the high road during the T.O. saga, he didn't take the high road, he was scared as was everyone else in that locker room, but Hugh Douglas. I lost alot of respect for Brian Dawkins as a locker room figure because he being probably the most respected player on the team should've taken Owens and McNabb in a room, sat down listen to both sides and come to a common medium. This became a problem when the bickering became public and stayed there. Once Owens was gone McNabb should've just moved forward, but he felt the need to keep it going once ESPN stuck a mic in his face Super Bowl week. All he had to do was say "Look what happened last season was unfortunate, it's behind us let's move on." But like a woman scorned he had to give a parting shot. That's the sign of a b----, why didn't you say these things while Owens was here, or when he called you out after he fought Douglas. He wants to dismiss the Black on Black crime comments but he's gotta keep this T.O. thing movin as long as he looks good. For all the talk he's done he better win and win early this season or the booing he heard on draft day will sound like the Harlem Boys Chior compared to what he'll hear from the Eagle faithfull. Sorry I was so long but I had to get that out.
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